Monday, 25 April 2016


After joining college the first skill that most of us acquire or try to perfect is developing and designing a perfect website. This is perfectly understandable because it is one of the easiest and fun things to do. But you may wonder that how do I proceed further? Or may have questions like I know how to write decent markup in HTML, give some styles to the web page using CSS but it ain't enough, what next? Well, today this article is dedicated to answering such questions. I'll restrict myself to the initial steps and cover the topics on the surface only. We'll delve deeper into this field in another article.So, let's begin!

The Prerequisites

The languages, skills and technologies that one must be familiar with before anything else are HTML and CSS. Without these two, there is nothing for you in the field of Web development. Now you must be wondering why take the pain of learning these things when we have software like Adobe Muse, Adobe Dreamweaver or even the online website builders? The answer is simply that you cannot customize the website according to your needs. For eg: You designed a beautiful website using Adobe Muse, but how will you add your front end validations using say AngularJS? So the knowledge of HTML and CSS is necessary but not sufficient. Well for starters the best website to learn HTML and CSS is the  W3 Schools. You can learn enough HTML and CSS using which you can build a decent static web page. By Static, I mean that the content does not change by simple events triggered by the user such as hovering the mouse over a particular element etc.

What Next?

Once you have a firm grasp on HTML and CSS, you are ready to move forward. The first and the foremost requirement of a website is a good UI(User Interface) and UX(User experience). UI refers to the overall style of your web page and how interactive it is with the user and UX means that how easily a user can find what he/she is looking for on your website i.e. the overall experience of your website. While you can improve on these aspects with only the knowledge of HTML and CSS but it is very laborious and tiring. To make our lives easy Twitter has provided us with a framework in CSS known as BOOTSTRAP . What exactly is bootstrap? Bootstrap is nothing but a set of predefined CSS code that is ready to be integrated into your website. It is one of the first frameworks that a web developer must know. It provides us with various helper CSS classes which give your website the basic styling it needs and also provides Responsive web design. The best way to perfect bootstrap is again the tutorials on W3 Schools. Once you are comfortable with elementary BOOTSTRAP, it is necessary that one must learn Javascript. JavaScript is the programming language of HTML and the Web. Programming makes computers do what you want them to do. Please get your basics of JS absolutely clear as it is the only language that we will be using the most! Even might exceed the usage of HTML and CSS. After Javascript the next thing to master is Jquery. 
Jquery is a javascript library. It contains a set of predefined code which helps you to manipulate the HTML DOM objects without writing the laborious, boring and long javascript. It also provides some cool animations and transition effects which make your website really interactive.

Where To Find These Tutorials?

Well, this is pretty much what I wanted to tell you in this article. The next one will be more specific, it will help you choose whether you want to be a Front End Developer or Write the Server-side Code and be a Backend Developer! The links to various tutorials are provided below, they are pretty amazing. If you have any query feel free to mail me at or drop a message in my facebook inbox at Arvind Rachuri.

Thank you so much for reading! Keep learning and Enjoy Coding!
Sunday, 24 April 2016

Seedr The Awesome Torrent Downloader!

Hey guys, it's me again! Yeah, I'm writing after quite a while now! So throughout the past year I had a real trouble downloading torrents as my college's proxy server blocked every torrent client. I was even not able to download the November release of Ubuntu 15. But then I came across this amazing website SeedrThis is an online torrent client where you can download torrents and store them on the cloud where they are absolutely safe! You can download them to your local machine use the torrents and delete them as you already have one copy on the cloud! And the best part is it's not even blocked on college's proxy server! The download speed is amazing and you get lots of space for a very reasonable price. If you don't have money for that... there's another solution, get a free account with 2 GB of free space... Cool isn't? So go ahead and check it out! NOW